"Not Mohammed" Cartoon Caption Competition

We don't follow the news much, but there seems to be a bit of a fuss over a few cartoons published in some foreign newspapers. Some people are even calling for a Day Of Anger, whatever that is. (It was never like this with the Beano!).
Syed Abbas from Toronto, Canada, explains:
The [news]... claims falsely that the caricatures offended Muslims because Islam forbids representations of Mohammed for fear that it could lead to idolatry.With that in mind, and with apologies to the original artists (and best wishes with their new identities, we presume), Bad Bad Chat would like to announce our first "caption competition".
The real culprit is the Western custom of making fun of everything and everyone. The Quran forbids that...
In the tussle between Islam and the West, what will doom the latter is their... "sense of humor". For Muslims, life is serious businss, and not a joke.
There will be a prize for the best entry*, probably.
Picture entries can be emailed here. We'll post any that won't get us death threats.
Entries featuring religious figures are forbidden, and will be cast, with their posters, into the lake of fire.
In case it's not obvious, please note that we've blanked out the blasphemous stick-man image of Mohammed drawn on the piece of paper in the cartoon shown.
Oh dear. Now that is bad chat.
You wouldn't think that the western world is very civilised or clever from reading your post, fundamentally fed up.
There are plenty of Christians, Scientologists and what-have-you who would be happy if criticism of *their* religion was forbidden.
Let's keep the comments funny if we can, eh?
And here's our real dilemma, my western, liberal friends. We are forced into an unfortunate alliance with twats like 'fundamentally' (1st comment).
Anyhow, here's my own willful rendering of Mohammed's image:
What do you think?
...Looks more like Darius The Great to me. Or perhaps The Great Stupendo...
To repeat the obvious, many Muslims see how ludicrous this situation is.
This from Wikipedia's excellent Timeline of the controversy:
Three of the cartoons were reprinted in the Jordanian weekly newspaper al-Shihan. The cartoons accompanied an editorial by Jihad Momani, a former Jordanian senator. He urged Muslims to "be reasonable."... He asked: "Who offends Islam more? A foreigner who endeavors to draw the prophet as described by his followers in the world, or a Muslim with an explosive belt who commits suicide in a wedding party in Amman or elsewhere"... Momani was fired
Although there are clearly very dangerous idiots out there stirring things up. The Washington Posts reports:
In a Metro TV interview, an Islamic scholar dismissed the free speech defense. "I see a bigger agenda to discredit Islam," said Umar Shihab, chairman of the Indonesian Council of Ulemas.
Oh, the irony...
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