Where are the posts?
"Hey," he said, "let's start a blog". Yeah, I thought, that'll be really rad. Like, us and all of our kewl m8tes can write like, witty and cutting diatribes about the nihilistic ennui of twenty-first century post-industrial European culturenob gags and our whacko Armenian cousins and stuff and we'll be famous all over the web and people will want to come to our house and watch movies and smoke beer and maybe even star in our homemaid glory-hole animal pr0n...
But so far, nothing.
So, I thought I'd think about something to write in the meantime. And I couldn't think of anything exciting that happened recently.
Except did you see that hurricane? Wasn't that kewl? You see, the great thing about hurricanes is that they fill up media space in what is otherwise usually a slow news-time. That and that all natural disasters, they bring out the best and worst in people pretty damn quickly. Yup, watch people's response to a disaster, and you can tell a lot of useful things about them.
Take the Liberals for example. I mean, their response has been outrageous. Look at the way they gave El Presidente (all hail!) a hard time for playing the fiddleguitar while RomeNOLA (I do love the way they call it NOLA) burnflooded. I mean, that's total bullcrap and excuse my French. No, the truth is that the picture was taken just before things got really bad in NOLA - by which time our glorious leader was going to sort out the problems in Louisiana by going from California to Washington by way of Texas. So I hope that sets the record straight.
But so far, nothing.
So, I thought I'd think about something to write in the meantime. And I couldn't think of anything exciting that happened recently.
Except did you see that hurricane? Wasn't that kewl? You see, the great thing about hurricanes is that they fill up media space in what is otherwise usually a slow news-time. That and that all natural disasters, they bring out the best and worst in people pretty damn quickly. Yup, watch people's response to a disaster, and you can tell a lot of useful things about them.

Bollocks. The best thing about hurricanes is the whirly-whirly...
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